Sunday 12 April 2009

Love Wins

Today is definitely the greatest day in the year.

It's not about Pentecost, it's not about Good Friday, it's not even about Christmas Day.

What begins in a stable and apparently ends on a hill is rebooted in that empty tomb.

Imagine those three days, imagine if we had an Easter weekend where Good Friday was anything but, where all we knew it to be was the darkest point in eternity. Imagine spending your life in mourning. Imagine not knowing about today.

Without today Christianity doesn't happen. Without today Jesus is a fraud. Without today the world lacks redemption. Without today, we have to rethink everything we know about the last 2,000 years.

It is Jesus' rising from the dead which completes the new covenant. I can potter through Easter weekend carefree, affected by the cross insofar as the empty tomb allows me. I know that it frees us from our sin and turns that dark day on Calvary into the most glorious act of love imaginable. Today I know that in Jesus' cry of 'it is finished' it has only just begun.

Ask anyone, of any belief, what the greatest act one person can do for another and they're likely to say give their life to save another.

The difference in what Jesus did is that it doesn't finish with the dying.

He not only gives His life to save us but His death and resurrection destroys the power of sin and invites us to bathe ourselves in Grace. Not just so that we can enjoy eternity with Him but so that we can live today. Not just so that the Church can sing hymns but so that the World can be transformed. And not just so that we can live quiet lives of desperation but so that we, His body, can be in relationship with God and act as hands and feet to His fragile and hurting but overwhelmingly loved creation.

Thank you Jesus!

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